Most Needed Items
If you find yourself not having enough time to shop for ECHO, let us do it for you. Our virtual store will make it easy for you to provide the necessary food, hygiene items and program support to meet the needs of our neighbors coming to us every day.
Hyigene Kit
$9.99 -
Canned Vegetables
$12.96 -
$16.92 -
Canned Meats
$17.76 -
Canned Fruit
$19.92 -
Feed Hungry Children
$19.99 -
$20.76 -
$21.00 -
$23.04 -
$24.65 -
Backpack with School Supplies (K-5)
$25.00 -
Fresh Produce
$29.85 -
Girls Clothing Size 5-8
$30.00 -
Boys Clothing Size 5-8
$30.00 -
Backpack with School Supplies (6-12)
$35.00 -
Girls Clothing Size 10-18
$35.00 -
Boys Clothing Size 10-18
$35.00 -
$35.13 -
Peanut Butter
$59.82 -
Life Rebuilding Programs
$59.95 -
House a Family for One Week
Funds donated in excess of need will help us continue to serve the hungry and vulnerable in our community, throughout the year. Echo of Brandon, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization. A copy of the official registration (CH15550) and financial information may be obtained from the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services by calling toll-free within the state 1-800-435-7352. Registration doesn’t imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by the state. Gifts to ECHO are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.