Thank You For Providing Stability To Our Neighbors!
For every $2.38 you give, you are helping us provide immediate relief and a better future for our neighbors. Please consider making a gift today!
Don’t want to give online? TEXT “GIVE” TO 813-696-3456
or you can make your gift by contacting us directly or mailing your check to:
ECHO Brandon
507 N. Parsons Ave.
Brandon, FL 33511
or email/call: / 813-685-0935 ext. 8008 / 813-540-9880 ext. 2002
Funds donated in excess of need will help us continue to serve the hungry and vulnerable in our community, throughout the year. Echo of Brandon, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization. A copy of the official registration (CH15550) and financial information may be obtained from the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services by calling toll-free within the state 1-800-435-7352. Registration doesn’t imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by the state. Gifts to ECHO are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.